
Sculpture and Fabrication

sCULPTURE And Fabrication

The design processes for these projects involved 3D CAD modeling, laser cutting, and machine fabrication.

The Forest

Laser cut and machine fabricated abstraction of a friend’s song, “The Forest
30 x 30 x 10 inches, aluminum, steel, and acrylic plastic, 2016


Kinetic Gear Sculpture

This coral reef inspired kinetic gear sculpture was modeled in SolidWorks and assembled by hand. I was the art director for the project and was responsible for all gear cut-out designs as well as the design and development of the organic centerpiece gear.

Collaboration with Cheryl Feig, Rebecca Emerich, and Anthony Janocko. 

Detail of custom organic centerpiece gear on fluorescent acrylic plastic

Detail of custom organic centerpiece gear on fluorescent acrylic plastic